
Our adOnline unit which provides services ranging a wide area from developing online brand strategies to digital marketing services, from e-commerce and mobile platforms to online campaign and building communities, also produces websites in world standards.

Besides, it also supports your brand with solutions for interactive videos, 3D digital production, and digital outdoor platforms.


Is social media which ended the simplex communication an unknown for you or do you need an expert’s help to increase your visibility in this area? sosyopath looks at the social media in a new way every day and follows the developments and keeps you informed about innovations. sosyopath, is the unit which has competence in deciding for brands which way to go in social media, developing strategies, managing social media channels, content and project production and provides services for brand-oriented social media campaigns, monitoring and reporting.


addpls which adds value to your brand, develops new ideas with loyalty programs which increases the group’s dependence, keeps your brand in public eye with community management, creating new experiences for target group, creating creative content and privileges developed in brand-media relations.


If your brand needs help for media planning and procurement consultancy, adsmrt is always ready for action! adsmrt also develops and manages online campaigns, prepares media-oriented creative rich media banners and does advertise management on social media.


We are ambitious on both sides of the line. Within the body of adinteractive, adBrnd makes your brand a shining star with its experience in creating corporate identity and brands along with its brochures, outdoor and other printed work for below the line advertising you planned for your brand.


Our adda (adinteractive Digital Academy) unit is beside you with consultancy services for transferring innovative thinking, that is the necessity of digital era, to your employees and future projects.

Your employees will step up their game in SEO & SEM, social media management, inbound marketing and digital marketing with adda’s workshops for your company.